Psychological counseling in Australia (Persian language psychologist in Melbourne, Sydney)

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رزرو نوبت مشاوره

مشاوره روانشناسی برای

ایرانیان خارج از کشور


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Psychological counseling in Australia (Persian language psychologist in Melbourne, Sydney)

Immigration and living in a country with different culture and language causes many challenges. Meeting and communicating with new people and building relationship in a country with different culture is always more difficult in compare to having relation with people of same culture and language. Getting advice from a consultant who is familiar with your culture and language is also more effective. If you have trouble regarding you relationship or want to start a new relationship or you are going through stages after a breakup, it’s best not to wait long to get help form a psychologist. Consultation can be very effective, especially if couples wouldn’t delay the consultation. To start with, you should find an Iranian consultant in Australia (Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Adelaide) who has expertise in marriage counseling. Experienced consultant in Australia can help you in this regard.

Reasons to seek psychological counseling services

Psychological consultation in Melbourne

About 66 percent of Melbourne’s population are immigrants. This multicultural city is comprised of people from 200 countries with 233 languages ​​and 116 different religions. People from England, china, Vietnam, Italia and Greece make up the bulk of the population. That’s why starting a new relationship is difficult for Iranian immigrants.

Moving in the direction of a successful relationship depends on various factors, one of them is how to start a relationship and make a right decision. In many cases one cannot make the best decision alone and needs consultation form an experienced person. In such situations, getting ad advice from a person who has experience and expertise in this regard would be a great help. In case of immigrants this issue is more evident, because culture and customs in foreign countries are different. So it’s best to refer to a psychologist who understands your culture and language.

Family counseling in Sydney

Sydney attracts immigrants more than any other cities in Australia. Living in populous and expensive city of Sydney is difficult for Iranians who have immigrated to Australia. The cost of living is very high in this city. This issue can causes a lot of stress for families. To begin a new life in a different environment and being away from family and friends in a foreign country could be very difficult for many Iranian families. In order to solve these problems, you should visit an Iranian psychologist.

Ask these questions about yourself, your spouse and you marriage:

  • Did you get married before or after immigration to Australia?
  • Is your spouse Iranian?
  • Since when has the conflict intensified between you and your spouse?
  • Did you get married at young age?
  • Is your income level low?
  • Is there a vast deference between you and your spouse’s culture and religion?
  • Are you a child of divorce?
  • Do you criticize each other very often?
  • Do you often guard against each other and get defensive?
  • Do you usually stay apart and dive in your thoughts?
  • Is your heart filled with the feeling of anger toward each other?
  • Do you believe that your relationship is suffering from poor communication?
  • Is there infidelity or abuses in your relationship?
  اولین رابطه جنسی (بایدها و نبایدها)

If the answer to the most of the above questions is positive, statistically you are at greater risk of separation and divorce. Of course we don’t mean that you will surely get divorce, but it’s necessary to work harder to save your life. Marriage counselor can help you in this way.  If spouses have realistic expectation of each other and their marriage, they will communicate well together, use skills related to conflict resolution, are capable of adaptation and they are less likely to get divorce. Marriage counseling may also be beneficial for such couples in critical periods of life and strengthen their skills of communication and make the bond between them stronger.

The effectiveness of counseling psychology for couples

The most effective type of consultation is Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT). Many studies have been done about this kind of consultation. According to researches, this type of treatment has lasting effect and is beneficial for couples with different cultural and racial backgrounds.  For example, in 2017 a study was conducted on the effectiveness of couple therapy for a group of old couples with different ages and races. It turned out that the couple therapy is generally effective. For 18 months after counseling, relationships continued to be firm and satisfactory. In a study that was conducted in 2015, the effectiveness and usefulness of emotionally focused therapy for infertile spouses were proved. There are different techniques to measure the effectiveness of counseling in improving the quality of martial relationship. Consultants believe that couple therapy could be useful for spouses in different circumstances.

Who benefit most from family counseling?

If you seek help from a psychologist yourself, probably referring to a marriage counselor would be useful for you. Generally, spouses with following conditions can benefit most from marriage counseling:

  • Young spouses
  • Spouses who still love each other
  • Spouses who tend to receive consultation.
  • Spouses who can accept their flaws and correct themselves.

Do not wait for help

If you have problems regarding your marriage, don’t hesitate and get help from a psychologist as soon as possible. You should have a plan in order to provide the cost and time needed for consultation. If you wait longer than it’s needed, repairing the relationship and getting the life back on track would be more difficult.  Find an experienced psychologist or attend instructional courses as soon as you see any warning sign in your marriage.

  اعتیاد به بازی های کامپیوتری در کودک و نوجوان

Persian language consultant in Adelaide

Among the cities in Australia, Adelaide is famous for being a student city. Adelaide has the largest academic society. This city is also popular for its universities, English experts and schools. This results in development and expansion of relationships for many immigrants in this city. In case relationships fail, families need consultation in order to rebuild their relationships. Psychologists on Loves Radio have realized this possibility. By talking to a consultant, couples can define a reasonable and wise perspective for their life. So, couples in critical situations can overcome the problems caused by divorce. With the help of psychologist consultant, couples can know themselves and their abilities and consider the divorce an opportunity for their personal progress.

In what areas does Loves Radio provide psychological counseling services?

Loves Radio psychological counseling services for Iranians residing in Australia

  • Premarital counseling: one of the most important decisions is choosing an ideal spouse, especially for those who want to get married in a new environment with a new culture. Consultants in Loves Radio will offer premarital counseling including required test, considering your circumstances in a city where you live. (be sure to read :key point on Premarital counseling)
  • Consultation for love recovery: recovering a lost love is not easy. The relationships of many couples will fail because they don’t respect the main principles of relationship and each other’s needs. In order to rebuild a relationship, we will provide you with a step-by-step program based on psychological principles. So, you will receive required instructions for rebuilding your relationship through audio files. During counseling sessions, a psychologist will review the circumstances of your relationship and will teach you the necessary skills and techniques. (be sure to read: Love recovery compass)
  • Consultation for getting back to life after breakup: In order to heal your emotional well-being, you should seek help from a specialist. In addition to remote counseling sessions on Loves Radio, an instructional audio file which is the result of psychological researches will be provided for you. (be sure to read: blissful life after breakup)
  • Attracting love: Sometimes young people who immigrate to Australia to continue education will get in trouble finding their ideal mate, especially if their mate is not Iranian. You will learn all the required skills for attracting your desired mate in counseling sessions on Loves Radio. Our psychologists use scientific and practical strategies for those who haven’t find their ideal mate yet. (Be sure to read: key points on attracting love)
  • Family counseling: as mentioned earlier, many couples in Australia will face problems due to cultural issues. Considering the high costs of consultation in Australia, They refuse to get help from psychologist. Our consultants will hold family counseling sessions using Whatsapp audio call. They teach you required strategies needed for improving relationships and communication skills. (Be sure to read: How family counseling helps you to improve your relationship?)
  • Sex therapy: many people feel uncomfortable in bringing up their sexual issues, especially with someone who doesn’t know their language. On Loves Radio you can talk to sex therapist remotely without feeling embarrassed and get advice for you relationship. (Be sure to read: Who is sex therapist?)
  • Individual counseling including depression and anxiety counseling: living in Australia may causes depression and anxiety. Issues related to employment, education and emotional life can be affected by negative feelings. Getting help from an Iranian consultant who understand your language can help you get over depression and anxiety. Our consultants on Loves Radio will help you cope with these issues by teaching skills required for controlling stress. (Be sure to read: How does individual counseling help me?)
  چگونه از خانواده همسر گله کنیم؟ (نارضایتی از خانواده همسر و مطرح کردن آن)

Counseling sessions on Loves Radio will be held remotely and online using Whatsapp audio call.

In order to book an appointment you can:

Call 02122024728

Send a message to 09035714060 in Whatsapp or Telegram

Or book an appointment online in your desired day and time.

Advantages of receiving family counseling on Loves Radio in Australia

  • Talking to psychologists who fully understand your culture and language would be a great help in understanding your circumstances and solving your problems.
  • Consultation is provided using Whatsapp and Telegram.
  • Counseling sessions are cost-effective for Iranians residing in Australia
  • You can pay for consultation using PayPal.

In a word …

Dealing with emotional relationships has always been a real challenge in people’s lives. In any circumstances, whether at the beginning of or in the course of relationship or even at end of relationship and breakup, getting advice from an expert will help you to overcome challenges. The consultation is of greatest benefit when you seek help from a consultant who understands your language and culture. Loves Radio has provided this opportunity for Iranians around the world.

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در کدام زمینه می‌تونیم کمکتون کنیم؟

رزرو نوبت مشاوره

مشاوره روانشناسی برای

ایرانیان خارج از کشور

ما را در شبکه های اجتماعی دنبال کنید

عضویت در خبرنامه

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